A NSKK EM’s dagger with its double-edged, drop-forged, nickel-silver plated blade, in its original scabbard.
The dagger has a nickel-silver plated alloy pommel and tang nut. Its contoured wooden grip has, inlaid to its obverse, the enameled "SA" signet near the pommel, and an nickel/silver eagle and swastika to its center. Its cross guard is also of nickel-silver plated alloy. "Alles für Deutschland" (Everything for Germany) is acid etched, in Gothic script, to the obverse of the pointed blade. Blade is maker marked "M7/1/38" for Gebrüder Christians, Christianswerk, of Solingen. The original cross-graining is still visible to both sides. Scabbard runner marks and some spotting are present as expected. The scabbard has a nickel-silver plated metal throat, mouthpiece, and lower scabbard fitting. The body of the scabbard is comprised of black painted sheet metal. Most of the original black finish remains. Dome-headed securing screws are to either side of its throat and along the upper edges of its scalloped lower fitting. A ball tip is to the end of this lower fitting.
Nice, overall clean example.