Incredible piece of history and a great testimony of the war fought by one soldier from 1941 until the end, in may 1945.
This very interesting group belonged to Obergefreiter (then Stabsgrefreiten) Franz Rabanser that fought in Gebirgsjäger Regiment 143 (later in the MG company of the same regiment). Originally the group was found directly from the family and was complete with 3 award documents that were split from the badges. Anyway we had the pictures of them and we can provide good pictures to the future owner of this wonderful group.
The wooden frame shows oak leaves and acorns encompassing a moleskin pillow on which badges, medals and a shield are pinned. The oak frame top writing says:
"Erinnerung an die Eismeer- und Westfront Kämpfe", that means: Memory of the Arctic and Western Front battles.
All the badges are complete with their original hardware setup system; Iron Cross second class is marked 13 on the suspension ring for the maker Gustav Brehmer.
A well visible shadow is present under each award.
An incredible piece of history.
PS: The pictures of this group include the 3 award documents, but these documents are not for sale with the group since they were sold separately.