Wonderful group of items belonged to Lieutenant Colonel Francesco Gennaro, that served in 46 Motorized Artillery Regiment of the 102 "Trento" Motorized Division.
The group dates back to the period of the war fought in North African territory by the Italian-German forces. In this context, Lieutenant-Colonel Gennaro distinguished himself on several occasions on the frontline, for actions of courage carried out during the heavy fighting in Tobruk and later El-Alamein.
The lot consists of two table cutlery used by the Wehrmacht forces, a field made ashtray, built with embossed metal sheet and depicting ornamental motifs with swastikas and arrows, a First Class Iron Cross and the certificate for the conferment of the same, dated July 31, 1942, drawn up in the command center of the Italian-German Army, under the orders of Rommel, and signed, with pad signature, by Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel.
A document like this is a real rarity, in fact very few Italians have received a German First Class Iron Cross in African territory.
The lot comes out from Palermo, where Lieutenant-Colonel Francesco Gennaro lived.
This really is an incredible piece of history. Absolutely rarity.