Very nice set from a girl who was in RADwj. The picture shows the girl wearing the brooch.
This is a nice example of the RADwJ (Reichsarbeitsdienst der weiblichen Jugend) "Brosche für Maidenführerin". The female version of the RAD was originally established in February 1933 and was considered a sub-section of the "National Sozialistches Frauenschaft" (National Socialist Women’s Organization). In April 1936 the female labor service was dissociated with the NS Frauenschaft and was given the official designation "RADwJ" (National Labor Service for Young females). The silver colored Brooch shows stunning detail and has a functional pin & catch.
The brooch is nicely maker marked with the maker logo "U" and the year "42". The brooch still retains almost all of its original silver finish.
This is a scarcer type brooch. Great looking Female youth RADwJ brooch.
Very nice set.