Rare Heinrich Himmer Honor Ring (or "Totenkopfring der SS"), '40 style ring in very good condition with all the runic panels still visible. Ring shows some wear, inside the engraving is still pretty nice and well perserved; it says: "S.lb. XXX 21.6.44 H. Himmler".
This ring belonged to a SS NCO named XXX XXX. XXX was born on June 20, 1921 and in 1941 he was fighting with the 1st SS-Division, the famous "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" with the rank od SS-Sturmann. In 1944 he was transferred to the 3rd Batallion of the SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 26, under command of the SS-Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend", with the rank of SS-Oberscharführer. During the Ardennen offensive the SS-Hitlerjugend Division began fighting on December 17, 1944 and just 5 days later, while the division was trying to break trough the Allies line in the Bütgenbach sector, XXX was killed in action.
This is an absolutely important historical object belonged to a member of 2 of the most important and famous SS Divions.
Payment via bank transfer only (or paypal as family/friend).