The award is in the form of a vertical, die stamped, magnetic sheet metal construction, shield with a bronze wash featuring a large embossed national eagle with out-stretched wings, clutching a wreathed, canted, swastika in it’s talons, to the top center, situated above an embossed, stylized, map of the Crimean peninsula with the embossed dates, "1941-1942", and the impressed location, "Krim". The recessed "water" surrounding the peninsula has a subtly pebbled, background field. The edge of the shield has a fine, embossed, line and a stepped down outer edge.
The shield is mounted on a cut-out, rounded bottom, flat topped, shield shaped, feldgrau wool base with an alloy backing plate with a protective, black paper backing.
Maker of this specimen is still unknown.
A very beautiful shield for Heer troops in great condition.