What is offered here is an outstanding group composed by a SS-Honor-Ring (Totenkopfring), its award certificate and other documents all belonging to the same SS soldier.
The group belonged to Johann Köhler, a SS soldier that fought during the war in II company of the SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 4 then transferred to the "Prinz Eugen" Division and finally transferred to SS-Wirtschaft-Verwaltungshauptamt A V.
Johann was born in Rotthalmünster on 17 October 1909, he joined the SS in 1930, so in the early years, and he got a very low SS number (2214) while his NSDAP Party number was: 149977. Until 1934 he was in the SS-Hauptamt and in 1934, when he received the SS-Totenkopfring, he had the rank of SS-Untersturmführer and served in the 28th SS Motor Standarte. One year later he was assigned to the "Stab Insp. SS-V.T.", i.e. the Staff of the Inspectorate [Inspektion] of the SS-Verfügungstruppe. During the war he fought in Poland and France with the 4 SS Pz. Gren. Regiment, then, in 1942, he was transferred to the "Prinz-Eugen" Division with anti-partisan duties; the division was in fact involved in many anti-partisan operations in the Yugoslavian area. In late war he was again transferred, this time to the office of "SS-Wirtschaft-Verwaltungshauptamt A V"; Amtsgruppe A was responsible for Personnel-Finance, Law and Administration; among other things, this Amtsgruppe discharged the responsibility for financial matters of the SS, including those relating to its concentration camps.
The SS Honor Ring document, a printed DIN A4 form, was given to SS-Untersturmführer Johann Köhler on 11 January 1935, while he was with the 28th SS Motor Standarte. The certificate shows the proper "KOH-I-NOOR" watermark and is hand signed by Heinrich Himmler. Other documents Also include his appointment to Sturmführer dated 20 April 1934, a request for documentation of his Aryan ancestry and certified copies from the post-war period related to the Nuremberg trial, where Johann writes about his life and his service in the SS.
The ring is a 1934 pattern, it is very worn and only 4 runic panels are still partially visible. It was surely worn along all the 11 years, until the end of the war, and, maybe, even after.
The engraving is still in very good condition, all the details are visible and writing is readable (S.lb Köhler 30.6.34 H.Himmler).
An outstanding group full of history, from a SS Honor Ring owner; it is incredibly rare to see on market a Totenkopfring with its original document. An impressive historical piece.