Rare Heinrich Himmer Honor Ring (or "Totenkopfring der SS"), '30 style ring, belonged to a SS officer named Hans Ruppert who served in 73 SS Standarte that was based in Ansbach and had the populat title of "Mittelfranken".
Ruppert joined the nazi party in very early years, in 1923, at age of 20, he was in the SA formations and his Party number was 45319; he also joined the SS in 1930 and his SS number was 8498; both numbers are low and indicate he was one of the earliest supporters of Hitler and of the SS. Ruppert received the Gold Party Badge, the Alter Kampfer, the Julleuchter, the SS honor Dagger and the SS Honor Ring.
The ring is in very worn condition, with runic panels only partially visible, but the engraving remains in exceptional condition and still intact; it says: "S. lb. Ruppert 20.4.37 H. Himmler".
This specimen shows a beveling in the upper internal angle. The seaming line behind the skull is visible.
The ring comes with Ruppert personal files scanned from the SS archives and from the SS-Dienstalterslistes 1938 and 1938.
For more informations on these rings please see the book written by Antonio Scapini, titled "The Totenkopfring" and published by B&D Publishing, in which the Rupper ring is published.
This is an absolutely important historical object.
Payment via bank transfer only.
The ring already has the COA and it will be shipped along with it and the paper documents from the SS archive.