Absolutely interesting and very rare Wehrpass (Wehrpaß) belonged to "SS Unterscarfuhrer Gustav Bahms" of "Staff Company Higher SS and Police Leader East, Krakau. Race and Resettlement (RuSHA)".
This SS Wehrpass belonged to a soldier named Gustav Bahms, who is photographed wearing the Litewka (uniform) of a civilian coach driver or "Kutscher". His taxi cab number is also visible (45).
He served in German Army during WWI where he received both the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Hindenburg Cross.
In 1939, he served with Infantry Regiment 375.
After entering in Waffen-SS in late 1942, in 1943 he served in the infamous RuSHA, an advisory and executive office for all questions of racial selection. Racial examinations were performed by Rasse und Siedlungs (RUS) leaders or their racial examiners (German: Eignungspruefer) in connection with: cases where sexual intercourse had occurred between Eastern European POWs or workers and Germans, children born to Eastern European workers, classification of people of German descent, selection of enemy nationals, particularly Poles and Slovakians, for slave labour and Germanisation, kidnapping of children suitable for Germanisation, population transfers and the persecution and liquidation of Jews.
The signature at the bottom is SS Hauptsturmführer (later Sturmbannführer) Wilhelm Amend (born 2.6.1893 in Boxberg, died 25.2.1946. His NSDAP Number was 3 141 305 and his SS Number 256 416).
Gustav Bahms served in the RuSHA from may 1943 until the end of the war. He was also awarder with the Merit Cross second Class with Swords on January 30, 1945.
A very rare piece of history.