Great lot of documents and pictures belonged to Gefreiten Wilhelm Meisinger, serving with Aufklärungsgruppe Ob.d.L. (Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe).
The group has the following documents:
- Certificate to 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Issued on 1.9.1941. Signed by General der Flieger Hans Jeschonnek (Knight's Cross winner).
- Certificate to Krim Shield. Issued on 20.3.1943. Facsimile Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Mannstein.
- Certificate to 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class. Issued on 4.4.1942. Signed by Generaloberst Alexander Löhr (Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves winner).
- Certificate to Squadron Clasp for Aufklärer in bronze. Issued on 8.9.1941. Maybe signed by Oberst Theodor Rowehl (Knight's Cross winner).
- Certificate to Squadron Clasp for Aufklärer in silver. Issued on 15.6.1942. Signed by Generaloberst Alexander Löhr (Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves winner).
- Certificate to Luftwaffe Luftwaffe Radio Operator & Air Gunner's Badge. Issued on 8.5.1941. Facsimile Generalleutnant Gustav Kastner-Kirdorf.
Furthermore nine period time photos of his Luftwaffe service. Including a nice portrait photo of him.
Indeed a great Luftwaffe documents lot.